Status CodeNameDescription
400JSON decoding errorLLM call failed. Response is too large to be decoded as a JSON. Try setting array_extract to true
400Invalid URL formatInvalid S3 URL format - must be s3://bucket-name/key
400File download failureFailed to download file from url. Please check the document url and try again
400Invalid page rangeNo pages found in specified range. Page range is 1-indexed and inclusive at start and end.
403Permission errorAccess forbidden when downloading file
403PDF processing errorUnable to write to output file
404File access errorInput PDF file not found
415File conversion errorFailed to convert pdf to images. Please check the file format
415General conversion errorError converting pdf to images
415PDF handling errorError processing PDF
422Schema validation errorThe provided schema is not valid JSON
422Table processing errorFailed to process table after {MAX_ATTEMPTS} attempts
442Document access errorCannot process password protected document
500Content extraction errorError extracting content
500Citation extraction errorError extracting citations
500PDF metadata errorPDF metadata is corrupted, could not read
502LLM service errorLLM provider internal server error
503License logging errorError logging license key usage
503Table processing errorError processing table
504LLM timeout errorLLM provider timed out
504Document conversion timeoutDocx conversion timed out after 45 seconds

Retriable Status Codes

The following codes are retriable.

502, 503, 504, 408, 429